Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 18. Another largely uneventful few days.  These little side effect bouts are a little annoying at worst. Thought I'd add today because we changed the treatment schedule and wanted to see if  delaying today's treatment four days had some kind of effect. I believe it did. But not much. I'm getting the sense that the chemo dosage is carefully planned to last the duration of the time between treatments. I know the mind has an awful lot to do with this as well, at least in my history it does. Originally supposed to get treatment #3 on Day 14.  I'm sure that I felt the side effect sniffles and cough clear up more and more Monday through Wednesday.  Sure enough, my body seemed to have little or no chemical left today, and my blood work seemed to suggest that was true, with the white cell count climbing back above average into it's usual spot.  So today I began with sniffles and chills even before the treatment was finished. That should last a few more hours at most. (Sure enough. They've disappeared even before I've finished this.) Next week is my "week off" so I'll be off the juice for about 14 days. Still must go for blood work, but no time in the snack chair.

For some reason, today as Brenda opened the IV line, I could "feel" that juice running off to kill some bad cells. Now, I know it could not work that fast, but the thought was more than b.s. as I've experienced such images a number of times as or just before they came about. We'll see.

The Treatment Room nurses are a breed apart. With four nurses covering up to 28 patients with each at a different place in their treatment sequence, these ladies never ever stop running.  Literally.  Always a smile and a gentle word or laugh for us, no matter what they're grappling with.  And they have the eyes of a hawk and are about as fast on the move. Today, Brenda asked me how the anti-nausea med was working at home and I told her the only nausea bouts were unexpected and brought on by coughing. About ten minutes later I sneezed and she jumped from the station across the room to see if I was going to cough and need the bag. Nope, just smiled instead. I think if we scratch our nose in there, we will have a nurse on it checking for side effects.

Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! You're really helping me get a good idea of what chemo's like.
